Fresh bread is delivered several times a week, including organic sourdough and gluten free breads. Our range includes products from Zeally Bay, Healthybake, Strada, GF Precinct and No Grainer.
Bulk Products
We stock many products in bulk, all certified organic – nuts, grains, rice, legumes, dried fruit, olive oil, washing powder and chocolate coated products. You can purchase the quantity you need and help to reduce packaging waste by bringing your own container.
Fresh Produce
All our fresh produce is certified organic or biodynamic and sourced from Australian growers – in many cases local Victorian producers. We purchase from organic suppliers at the Melbourne markets on Monday and Thursday, to ensure the best range and quality for customers.
Dairy Products & Alternatives
We stock milk, cheeses, yoghurts and butter from Australia’s premium organic dairy suppliers, including Schulz Organic, Barambah, Mungalli, Blue Bay and Meredith. We also offer many dairy alternatives, such as soy, oat, almond and coconut milks, and vegan cheeses and butters.
Refrigerated Products
Our chilled product range includes organic dips, sauerkrauts, ready to eat vegan soups and burgers, kombucha. All are sourced from leading Australian producers, such as Kehoe’s Kitchen, Bite Me fine foods, Wholefood Kitchen, Botanical Cuisine and Good Seed kefir.
Pantry Goods
We stock an extensive range of premium organic pantry goods – flours, baking goods, oils, sauces and stocks, rice, pasta and noodles, canned products, biscuits, cereals and honeys and spreads.
Meat & Chicken
Red meat (beef, lamb and pork) is organic and grass-fed, and sourced locally from Cherry Tree Organics in Gippsland. Our chicken is free-range, pasture raised and antibiotic/hormone free from Victorian producer, Loddon Estate.
Frozen Products
Enjoy the convenience and flavour of organic frozen fruits and vegetables. We also stock the delicious Byron Bay pies (including gluten free). Our ice creams include Mungalli and Denada (dairy) and dairy free products, Cashew Creamery and Treat Yo Self.
Confectionery & Snacks
When you’re looking for a healthy snack we have plenty of treats available, such as Loco Love, Pana, Loving Earth and Alter Eco chocolates. We also stock crisps and corn chips from brands such as Proper Crisps, Good Health and Nature’s Harvest.
Organic Wine
We stock organic and preservative free wines from Australia’s leading organic wineries. We have a full range of reds, whites and sparkling produced by Tamburlaine, as well as premium reds from Pig in the House.
Superfoods & Dietary Supplements
We carry a broad range of vitamin, mineral, immune-boosting, cold and flu and other health supplements from the leading suppliers, Fusion and Herbs of Gold. We can also source other health supplements to meet customer requests.
Personal Care & Household Cleaners
Our products avoid harmful chemical ingredients – natural personal care products such as: Noosa Basics and No Pong deodorants; Red Seal toothpastes; and Ethique hair care products. Household cleaning products include the Abode range of laundry, dishwashing and surface sprays.